ACI Fall Convention took place in Boston, October 29 to November 2nd. During the convention, NEx activities included:
Presented 2024 business plan to NEX Board of Directors (BOD) for review and approval.
Signed Memorandums of Understandings (MOUs) with our valued partners during our Signing Ceremony. NEx new Allied Partners include Korea Concrete Institute (KCI), University of Alabama, Texas A&M University, RILEM, and Slag Cement Association (SCA).
Organized NEx Session on "Nano-Polymer in Construction." The 2.5-hr session took place on Sunday, October 29, 2023. Session's recordings will soon be available on NEx's YouTube Channel.
Sponsored Student FRP Competition by funding prizes for the next generation of innovators.
Sponsored Committee 440 Session: "Anchorage of Flexural Externally Bonded FRP Strengthening Systems."
Organized and delivered third NEx Workshop: "FRP Composites in the Face of Fire – Insights from Research and Industry." The 6-hour workshop took place on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Workshop's recordings will soon be available on NEx's YouTube Channel.
Showcased NEx projects, NEx member companies, and nonmetallic applications at the exhibit area.
We'd like to thank all participants - your suggestions, opinions, discussions, involvement, and contributions have been instrumental in our growth and impact.
Student FRP Competition

NEx Session on "Nano-Polymer in Construction"

NEx Workshop #3: "FRP Composites in the Face of Fire – Insights from Research and Industry"